Pin for visibility and recognition
Make use of the World Wide Visible logo! This pin shows low vision and low hearing. This way, someone can take you into consideration. This pin is really fresh off the press! It is in high demand due to a lot of use of mouth caps to show that you have impaired vision or hearing. People recognize the logos which allows for consideration. This prevents annoyance and frustration. LIMITED HEARING Pins / Pins to see print Size: 22 x 22 mm
Material: full color incl. lacquer coating to see a magnetic closure All Limited Hearing and Limited Vision products of WorldWide Visible, such as the Limited Hearing sign, are intended to inform the environment and contribute to increased safety in traffic and improved communication with the environment. WorldWide Visible obviously cannot guarantee safety and the use of Limited Hearing products is always the buyer/user’s own responsibility. For example, proper attention in traffic is always paramount. Use is at your own risk. Combination Limited Vision and Limited Hearing Pins with imprint Dimensions: 18 x 30 mm
Material: full color incl. lacquer coating with magnetic closure All Limited Hearing and Limited Vision products by WorldWide Visible, such as the Limited Hearing sign, are intended to inform the environment and contribute to increased safety in traffic and improved communication with the environment. WorldWide Visible obviously cannot guarantee safety and the use of Limited Hearing products is always the buyer/user’s own responsibility. For example, proper attention in traffic is always paramount. Use is at your own risk.
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