Online hearing test

Are you curious if you might have hearing damage? Then an online hearing test is the solution! With this online hearing test, you can find out if you have a hearing loss.

Take the online hearing test directly

With this online hearing test, your ears are tested individually for various frequencies. After the test, you get to see immediately if there is any damage.

online hearing test


Of course, it is better to prevent hearing damage or hearing loss. You can prevent hearing damage or hearing loss by wearing proper hearing protection. Wear your hearing protection if you are in environments with noise above 85 dB for an extended period of time.

online hearing test banana in your

Hearing damage

Hearing impairment can be impaired hearing. But it can also be tinnitus. Tinnitus is a hiss or squeak in your hearing. You hear sounds in your ear or ears without the sound actually being there. A very annoying phenomenon, can you imagine it never being quiet again?

Looking for help because you have tinnitus? Then check out our tinnitus plan. This plan is a collaboration with psychology practice Zaanstad and Horend Goed.

Hearing protection

There is some kind of hearing protection for every occupation, hobby or work. There are otoplastics, universal earplugs, custom-made hearing protection, braces and ear muffs. Want to buy the right one all at once? Ask for help! Our audiologists are eager to give you good advice.

Do you prefer a hearing test in peace and quiet in a quiet environment? Then you may also make an appointment at any time. A hearing test in our Horend Goed store is also free of charge, as is the online hearing test.
