Hearing care is a highly regulated industry. That makes sense, after all, it’s all about your health. Yet we also understand that it can be difficult to understand everything. That’s why we explain the most important issues in hearing care here.

The hearing protocol

The hearing protocol describes how hearing aids should be provided in the Netherlands as implementation of the Health Insurance Act. On this page you can download the hearing protocol.

Your health insurance

A hearing aid can be an expensive purchase. However, it is covered in whole or in part by health insurance. But what exactly does it cover, and when? On this page, we explain it to you.

Remote hearing care

Technology in hearing care has advanced tremendously in recent years. Not only are hearing aids now so small that they are virtually invisible, but we can also control a great deal remotely. Remote hearing care, in other words.

Hearing protection

Whether it is hearing protection at work, at a concert, while sleeping or while swimming, there are many types of hearing protectors available. There is an appropriate solution for every situation. Proper prevention can prevent both temporary and permanent hearing damage.

Treatment of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is usually a form of hearing damage. People with tinnitus hear, for example, a high-pitched squeak, a whistling sound, a noise or a hiss. This is often because the vibrating hairs in the inner ear are damaged by illness, for example, or by prolonged exposure to loud noises such as in construction or at festivals.