Hearing is one of our primary senses. When you have impaired hearing it presents various challenges, such as listening to the television, waking up to the alarm clock or hearing your phone, the doorbell or even the fire alarm. This is why there are various assistive devices for the hearing impaired.

A wake-up and alert system through your health insurance policy

If you have a hearing loss of more than 35 dB, according to the hearing protocol, you are entitled to a wake-up and alert system reimbursed by the health insurance company. You will then receive key aids including a doorbell, alarm clock and smoke detector equipped with louder alarms and flashing and vibrating functions. To take advantage of these, please make an appointment with us. Our hearing care specialists can tell you about all the possibilities. After your hearing test, we will also arrange everything and someone will come by to connect the system. You will be completely taken care of.

Expanding your system

The beauty of a wake-up and alert system is that you can expand it with the tools you like. For example, consider a baby monitor, also handy for babysitters!

Loose aids for the hearing impaired

Of course, it is also possible to simply purchase the specific tool you want. This can be done very easily in our webshop. We list the possibilities for you:

Television aids

television aids for the hearing impaired

The name says it all: television aids are systems that help you listen to the television so you don’t have to turn it up unnecessarily. You connect a transmitter or loop to your TV and it then transmits sound to your hearing aids, earbuds, headphones or chin bar. You can control the volume here and enjoy crystal clear sound.

Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired

alarm clocks for the hearing impaired

There is nothing more annoying than oversleeping, which can affect your entire day. Alarm clocks for the hearing impaired are therefore equipped with a loud alarm, a vibrating plate for under your pillow and a bright flash function. This guarantees that you will always wake up on time.

Phones for the hearing impaired

telephones for the hearing impaired

It is impossible to imagine our daily lives without the telephone. For the hearing impaired, there are (mobile) phones with a loud ringing sound, sometimes up to 120 dB, and the ability to additionally adjust the call volume to the user’s needs. Some phones can also be paired directly with your hearing aids via Bluetooth.

Hearing amplifiers

hearing amplifiers for the hearing impaired

Hearing amplifiers are actually a type of simple hearing aid. They are aimed at amplifying sound and improving speech intelligibility and are especially suitable for people with little or beginning hearing loss. A hearing amplifier is especially pleasant in noisy conversation situations, such as at a birthday party or in a restaurant.

Fire, smoke and heat detectors

fire alarms for the hearing impaired

It is possible to add (additional) fire, smoke, and/or heat detectors within your wake-up and alert system. These special detectors send a signal to receivers in the house, for example a flash or loud alarm, so that you are warned in time and can leave the danger zone in time. Pretty safe right?

Only the best brands at Horend Goed

As hearing care specialists, we believe it is important to provide only the best products. After all, it’s about your quality of life as well as your safety. In our webshop, you will therefore find leading brands such as Sennheiser, Bellman & Symfon, Geemarc and Humantechnik.

It starts with good advice

There is a lot to choose from, and we can imagine it might be a bit overwhelming. Not quite getting there? Then feel free to contact us, we’d be happy to help you with honest and personal advice.

Frequently asked questions about aids for the hearing impaired

What aids besides hearing aids can hearing-impaired people use?

Consider special phones or telephones with extra-loud ring tones, vibration and light signals, solo devices for crowded rooms, teleloop systems, television aids, and wake-up and warning systems or doorbells with light and/or vibration functions.

What is solo equipment and when is it useful?

Solo devices consist of a microphone and receiver. The speaker wears the microphone, and you hear the sound directly into your hearing aid or headphones. Ideal in situations with a lot of ambient noise, such as in the classroom or during meetings.

How can I get a better TV experience as a hearing impaired person?

There are wireless TV listening systems that connect directly to your hearing aid, or headphones with an amplification function. This allows you to adjust the volume without disturbing others.

Are these devices covered by health insurance?

Some devices are eligible for (partial) reimbursement. This depends on your health insurer and the indication. We can advise and help with the claim process.

Can I try out these tools before I purchase them?

When purchasing a product in our webshop, you may return it within 14 days without giving a reason. Please note that hygiene products are excluded from this.